Autonomy and accreditation



The National Assessment and Accreditation Council, an Autonomous Institution of the University Grants Commission has been assessing the performance of the Universities and Colleges. It sent a Peer team comprising Dr. Malla Reddy as Chairman and Mrs. Mercy Abraham as member to our College on 12th and 13th March 2000 to assess our college on seven Criteria namely : (i) Curricular Aspects (ii) Teaching-Learning and Evaluation (iii) Research (iv) Consultancy and Extension (v) Infrastructure and Learning Resources (vi) Student Support and Progress Organisation and Management and (vii) Healthy Practices. Highly satisfied with our performance, our college was accredited with FIVE STARS (the maximum credit) on 17th April 2000 by the NAAC on the recommendations of the Peer team for a period of five years.




The NAAC has extended the validity of the given status to our college for two more years as a result of being awarded the highest status for three consecutive accreditation cycles and so the next NAAC accreditation process will be in 2020.